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高三英语外研版选修10 module 2 教案,栏目:高三英语复习教案,高三英语备课教案,高中英语教案 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

高三英语外研版选修10 module 2 教案

    Module 2 Australia and New Zealand
    Period One: Introduction & Cultural Corner
    Step 1: Read the passage and answer the questions
    1 How many countries in the world are larger than Australia?
    2. What percentage of Australians are migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds?
    3. When did the Maori people arrive in New Zealand?
    4. Where in Europe is the region that New Zealand is named after?
    5. Which is farther from Beijing? ---- Canberra or Wellington?
    Step 2: Rewrite the passage in Activity 1 and include the facts about Australia and New Zealand below.
    Australia New Zealand China
    Population 20 million 4 million 1.3 billion
    Size  7.692 million km2 270,534 km2 9.6 million km2
    Capital city and population Canberra 309,000 Wellington 423,000 Beijing 13.82 million
    Borders with other countries No borders No borders Borders with 14 countries total length of border: about 22,000 km
    coastline 36,735 6,900km 18,000km
    Step 3 : Write a passage comparing Australia, New Zealand and China. Use the information in the table.
    二、Cultural Corner
    Read the passage and answer the questions
    1. What is astonishing about the record of the New Zealand rugby team?
    2.  Are there any sporting rituals in China like the haka?
    Period Two: Reading and Vocabulary (1)
    Step 1: Read the passage and choose the main idea.
    1. safty suggestions for tourists in Australia
    2. dangerous sea creatures in Australia
    3. how to swim safely in Australia
    Step 2 : March the meanings with the words in the box.
    attack  deadly   human   immediate   mystery   protect   remote
    responsible   scream   snake   species   survive
    1. something which we cannot understand______
    2. extremely dangerous ___________
    3. to stay alive after an accident or illness _________
    4. to make  loud noise because you are hurt __________
    5. a violent attempt to hurt someone ___________
    6. a group of animals with the same features___________
    Which words have no meanings? Find out what they mean.
    Step 3 : Read the passage again and check the correct boxes.
    Which creatures… Box jellyfish snakes Salt water crocodiles sharks
    Are protected?    
    Are poisonous?    
    Live on the land and in the sea?    
    Have thousands of teeth?
    Are one of the most deadly creatures?    
    Step 4 : Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences
    1. Australian beaches are almost always empty because _______.
    a the sea is too dangerous
    b. the sea is full of dangerous creatures
    2. The box jellyfish _______.
    a. kills its victim with an electric shock
    b. is one of the most dangerous animals in the world
    3. Victims can survive a meeting with a box jellyfish if they _____.
    a. leave the water      b. get immediate medical attention
    4. Australia is home to _____
    a. 100 species of poisonous snakes
    b. 250 species of poisonous snakes
    5. The taipan is_______
    a. the biggest snake in the world
    b. the most dangerous snake in the world
    6.  Salt water crocodiles _______.
    a. are very aggressive
    b. can swallow a human whole
    7. The great white shark is _______.
    a. one of many different species of snakes
    b. is only found in Australia
    8. Australia ________.
    a. has more shark attacks than Brazil
    b. has fewer shark attacks than people think
    Step 5 : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box
    bite   faint  medical attention   poisonous   put together   swallow   tentacle
    1. That man looks very ill. He needs immediate ________.
    2. You are in big trouble if a taipan ________ you.
    3. The _______ of ordinary jellyfish are not as long as those of a box jellyfish.
    4. There are more dangerous snakes in Australia than in the rest of the world ______.
    5. Most American snakes are not _______.
    6. The woman came out of the water screaming and _______ on the beach.
    7. It's strange to know a salt water crocodile never ______ a human being.
    Period Three: Language In Use (1) & (2)
    一、Language In Use (1)
    Step 1: Going to
    Match the sentences with the uses of going to
    1. I'm going to go to Australia for my holiday next year.
    2. What are you going to wear to the party?
    3. Take your umbrella with you. It's going to rain.
    4. That man is driving too fast. He is going to crash.
    5. it's going to be hard work revising for the exam.
    6. You're going to be sorry (that) you didn't go to university.
    Going to is used:
    a. to make a prediction about the future, without any reference t the present time.
    b. To make a prediction about the future, based on some evidence at the present time
    c. To talk about future arrangements or events which have already been decided
    Step 2 : Take
    Match the sentences with the meanings of take
    1. Don't forget to take your jacket with you.
    2. It's so hot! When I get home I am going to take a shower.
    3. It takes a long time to get to Australia.
    4. I take six subjects at school, including two languages.
    5. Oh dear! I've taken someone else's book by mistake.
    6. Take the child's hand when she cross the road.
    7. How many athletes took part in the Olympics?
    8. When did the Olympics take place?
    9. If you have a headache, you should take some painkillers.
    10. How are you traveling to Queensland? Are you taking the train?
    a. to participate
    b. to move something from one place to another
    c. to drink or swallow medicine
    d. to do something
    e. to happen
    f. to study
    g. to hold
    h. to need a particular amount of time
    i. to travel in a particular way
    j. to pick up or carry something
    Step 3: Then
    Choose the correct phrases to rewrite the sentences.
    1. First, I went to Sydney. Then I traveled to Melbourne by coach.
    2. From then on, I started keeping a diary.
    3. He was born in the 18th century. Things were very different then.
    4. I don't see them often, but they phone us now and then.
    5. It was then that I realized I had made a mistake.
    6. I don't earn a lot of money but then again, I don't need much.
    7. I was going to come back and collect my visa, but they gave it to me there and then.
    8. There were no mobile phones then.
    a. in those days
    b. after that / next
    c. at that time
    d. occasionall
    e. at that extract moment
    f. on the other hand
    g. immediately
    h. from that time onwards
    二、Language In Use (2)
    Step 1 : There
    Complete the sentences with there and the correct form of be
    1. ________ anybody home at the moment?
    2. Long ago, __________ a poor farmer, who had a beautiful daughter.
    3. When the settlers arrived in Australia, _______ already people living there.
    4. How many students _______ in your class this year?
    5. You should go to Australia. _________ a lot of interesting places to visit.
    6. Do you think ________ much chance of us having some time off work to go shopping tomorrow?
    7. _______ no use complaining about the homework---- we have to do t.
    8. You see? I told you ________no need to rush. We got here with plenty of time to spare.
    9. Look how cold it is. _______ ice on the window.
    10. I'm hungry. _______ any lunch left, ________?
    Step 2 : Time
    Match the sentences with the correct meanings of time
    1. What's the time now?
    2. He plays tennis at least three tie a week.
    3. By this time tomorrow, I'll have left the country.
    4. Stop wasting time and hurry up.
    5. The last time I saw them was at their wedding.
    6. It's about time you started your revision work.
    7. He was living in Europe at the time.
    8. It was the best time of my life.
    9. The ruin dates back to the Roman times.
    10. I've got a lot of time for her---- she's such a kind person.
    a. time when something happens
    b. occasion
    c. time shown on a clock
    d. amount of time available for something
    e. time when something should happen, ideally
    f. how often something happens
    g. period of time
    h. like or dislike
    i. a historical period
    j. experience
    Period Four: Reading and Vocabulary (2)
    Step 1: Work in groups and discuss the questions.
    1. How many people in the group have seen The Lord of the Rings films?
    2. What is the general opinion about the films?
    a. They are sensational
    b. They are OK
    c. They are boring
    d. They are confusing.
    3. Do you know where the films were made?
    Step2 : Read the words in the box and answer the questions
    background   destroy   outstanding   plateau  respect   rocky  volcano
    1.Which of the words in the box have something to do with natural scenery?
    2. Which word means "very good"?
    3. Which word means "to break or ruin something"?
    4. Which of the following sentences using respect makes more sense?
    a. I respect him for all the good things he has done.
    b. I respect him for all the bad things he has done.
    5. What does it mean if you do something out of respect for someone or something?
    Step 3: Read the passage and answer the questions.
    1. Why New Zealand was chosen as the location for the filming of The Lord of the Rings?
    2. What are the names of the hero and the villain of the film?
    3. Who lives or lived in Mordor and Hobbiton?
    Step 4: Complete the table
    Location in film Location in New Zealand Description of location
    Volcanic region
    Step 5: Match the words with their meanings
    1. breathtaking/ spectacular    a. a lot of different kinds of things
    2. sacred                   b. important for religious reasons
    3. epic                     c. to change completely
    4. transform                 d. amazing
    5. variety                   e. a long film or story about exciting events
    Step 6: Work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions
    1. Do you think New Zealand was a good choice for the location of these film?
    2. Which region of China would be a good location for such films as The Lord of the Rings?
    Period Five: Reading Practice
    Step1 : Work in Pairs and discuss your answers to the questions
    1. When did the first European settlers arrive in Australia?
    2. What sort of country didi they find?
    3. How do you think they lived?
    4. Do you think life was easy or hard?
    Step2 : Read the Introduction of the passage and say what Waltzing Matilda is. Choose from the alternatives.
    a. an early national hero
    b. the national anthem of Australia
    c. an Australian dance
    d. a song which all Australia know
    Step 3: Read Waltzing Matilda and number the events of the song in the correct order.
    The tramp put the kettle on to boil.________
    The landowner arrived. ________
    The tramp started singing. _________
    The tramp saw a sheep. __________
    The police asked about the sheep. _________
    A tramp sat down by a tree. _________
    The tramp's ghost still sings in the river._________
    The tramp caught the sheep and put it in his bag. __________
    He police arrived. ________
    The tramp jumped into the river._________
    Step 4: Choose the best answers to the questions.
    1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
    a. To describe what life was like in 19th century Australia.
    b. To explain the origins and meaning of Waltzing Matilda
    c. To suggest that Australian culture is very simple.
    d. To tell the story of Andrew Paterson and Christina Macpherson.
    2. Why do Australians like Waltzing Matilda?
    a. It describes an important event in Australian history.
    b. Australians identify with the character of the swagman.
    c. The words and music are beautiful.
    d. It is a good song for dancing and drinking.
    3. Why is it a subject of controversy?
    a. The words are too difficult for most people to understand.
    b. The hero is someone who breaks the law.
    c. It is not clear where the story comes from.
    d. It is not clear who wrote the music.
    4. What is common to the song and both versions of the story?
    a. a fire         b. a death          c. a protest        d. a theft
    5. What makes the song difficult?
    a. Most people need a glossary to understand the words.
    b. There are several versions of the tune.
    c. It combines elements from different stories.
    d. The ideas in the song are out of date.
    Step 5 Find the words which mean these things:
    1. the official song of a country_________ (para.1)
    2. quick intelligent _________ (para.2)
    3. a popular symbol _________ (para.3)
    4. a traditional song __________ (para.4)
    5. the words of a song __________ (para.4)
    6. a worker who cuts the wool from sheep ________ (para.5)
    7. the act of killing oneself __________ (para.6)
    8. a bag carried over the shoulder ___________ (glossary)
    Step 6 Work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions
    1. What is the purpose of a national anthem?
    2. What characteristics should a national anthem have?
    3. What do you like about the Chinese national anthem?
    4. Which other national anthems do you know? Do you like them?

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