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Chinese Seasonal Festivals

03-14 15:24:40 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高一英语教案 | 人气:491

Chinese Seasonal Festivals,栏目:高一英语必修2教案,高一英语下学期教案,高中英语教案 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

Chinese Seasonal Festivals

    Lesson 9  Chinese Seasonal Festivals
    1. trick into: 意为“诱使,骗得”要注意和trick的比较后者强调“欺骗”本身;而前者强调“欺骗的结果”如:
    He was tricked at the market and lost 30 yuan on the deal.(他在市场上被骗,交易中亏了30元。)
    She tricked him into giving her the money.(她骗得了他的钱财。)
    Dad tricked mother into believing he had forgotten her birthday----then surprised her.
    2. depend on (depend upon) 意为“依靠,依赖,取决于
    如:He depends on his pen for living.(他靠写作为生。)
    He is a man to be depended upon.(他是可依赖的人。)
    Whether she will go to have a picnic or not depends on the weather.(她是否去野餐取决于天气状况。)
    3. 一些在今后的阅读文章中,出现频率较高的词汇及其词的变形:
    2)vary(v.)----varied(a.)----various(a.)----variously(adv.)---- variety(n.)
    III.     句型
    1)  share sth. with sb.    与某人分享某物或某观点
    2)save…from…    把。。。从。。。中拯救出来;使免于。。。
    protect sb./sth. from sth.(a bad situation)
    prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.
    stop sb./sth. from doing sth.
    hinder sb./sth. from doing sth.
    IV.     语法
    被动语态: We use the Passive in the following cases:
    1. The passive is used when we are more interested in the event itself than in the agent, eg:
    Hundreds of passengers were killed in the crash.
    2. The passive is used when the agent is unknown or when we wish to make a statement sound impersonal perhaps out of modesty or tactfulness, eg:
    This book was published in the 16th century.
    3. The passive is used and the agent with “by” is expressed when we wish to stress the doer of the action,  eg:
    Telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
    4. Sometimes the passive form is used to avoid changing the subject in the middle of a sentence and at other times, to achieve a better connection with the preceding or following sentences,  eg:
    Jack fought Michael in the men’s singles and (Jack) was beaten.        
    He visited China’s northeastern provinces in 1935.Those provinces were being overrun by the Japanese invaders.

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