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· 音乐的语言(The Language of Music)

.  a composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed。 professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:917

· 电影音乐 Movie Music

. Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent", the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent。...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:356

· 永远的流行音乐(Music thats always on top)

.  we all like pop music but what is it? the definition of pop music is flexible。 music that is considered to be pop is constantly changing。 我们...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:549

· 音乐语言 The Language of Music

. A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it。 A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is p...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:917

· 语言的音乐(The Language of Music)

.  a painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it。 a composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:279

· Music-音乐,Music-音乐范文

. Music-音乐 英语作文网整理收集 文秘网www.jiaoyu880.com Music There are two important kinds of music in the world one is written down and the other ...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:838

· 我喜欢凤凰广场里的音乐喷泉

. 我喜欢凤凰广场里的音乐喷泉  刘芳洁  凤凰广场坐落在利津县城中心,我喜欢凤凰广场,但我更喜欢广场里的音乐喷泉。  有一次,正好是星期六,妈妈带我...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:896

· 我爱家乡美丽的音乐喷泉

. 我爱家乡美丽的音乐喷泉  薄梦宇 <> 我的家乡在东营市利津县,在县城的中心广场,有一处音乐喷泉,它一年四季都是绚丽多姿的。  光彩夺目的春天到了,...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:738

· 美丽的音乐喷泉

. 今天,是我最难忘的一天,因为,我近距离地目睹了盛大的喷泉晚会。 晚上,我和妈妈一起去沿江路看喷泉。沿江路真是热闹非凡,来来往往的人把沿江路挤得水泄不...
所属分类:关于音乐的作文 | 更新时间:02-21 | 人气:244
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