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I Have Long Hoped to Become a College Student-我一直希望做个

02-21 16:41:26 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 以希望为话题的作文 | 人气:231

I Have Long Hoped to Become a College Student-我一直希望做个,栏目:希望的作文,新学期新希望作文,以希望为题的作文 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
I Have Long Hoped to Become a College Student-我一直希望做个大学生英语作文网为您收集 英语作文网 www.jiaoyu880.com I Have Long Hoped to Become a College Student【我一直希望做个大学生】


I have long hoped to become a college student。 I made up my mind to go to college as early as 1979, the year I entered high school。 If I become a college student, I will specialize in mathematics。 Mathematics is the foundation of all sciences。 On the one hand, it will help me to think logically; on the other, it will enable me to become a good scientist。 A college education, will help me in a lot of other ways。 Certainly, the most important thing for me to do right now is to do my best to prepare for the college entrance examination。 If I work hard, I believe I will meet with success。


As early as the year I entered high school, I made up my mind to become a college student。 I have been working very hard toward this goal since then。 On the one hand, I turn down practically all invitations to parties; on the other, I devote all my time to study。 Whenever I come across difficult problems in mathematics and other subjects, I always ask my friends of teachers to help me solve them。 But time passes so quickly, and before I know there is only one year left for me to prepare for the college entrance examination。 This makes me very nervous and discouraged。 However, I take heart in the realization that after all I have been doing my best。 I certainly will not lose heart。 On the contrary, I will study even harder in the year remaining so that I may achieve final success and fulfill my dream of becoming a college student。


I have long hoped to become a college student。 A college education, on the one hand, enables us to acquire more specialized knowledge and, on the other, prepares us for future services to our country 。 Besides, all parents want their children to be useful citizens, and my father and mother are no exceptions either。 But how can I become a useful citizen if I don't go to college? I must do my best to achieve success in the college entrance examination。

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