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01-26 11:07:37 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 责任作文 | 人气:298

学校和父母双方都应对孩子负责任,栏目:有关责任的作文,责任的作文,社会责任感作文,关于责任的作文素材 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
Both School and Parents Should Take the Responsibility to Conduct the Children
     Some people say parents should take the responsibility to conduct their children's behaviour, and tell them what is right or wrong, others say that it is the school's responsibility。
     In my opinion, it is both the school's and the parents'responsibities, for the parents are closer to their children than any other person。 They can influence their children every day,especially the mothers, who are the children's first teachers,can influence their children most。 So the parents are playing a very important role in conducting their children what is wrong or right。
     The school, which is the children's second teacher, is becoming more and more important。 Some children may always consider their teacher's behaviour to be right and do exactly what the teacher instructs them do。
   From this we can conclude that school and parents should both take the responsibility to conduct the children。 Only in this way, can we make our children behave well in future。 Obviously this is the best way we can take at present。




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