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一件意外事故-An Accident,一件意外事故-An Accident范文

04-17 01:34:35 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 初中英语作文 | 人气:735

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An Accident
One day I was on my way home while I saw a crowd getting around。 I went over curiously。 I was very much shocked at the sight。 There lied an old man who seemed to be knocked down by a car。 The driver had got away。 But the strangest thing to me was that so many people were just stood there watching。 No one wanted to help。 Just at that time, there came a young man。 He quickly took the man in his arms and rushed towards the hospital。 I was wondering whether those standers-by, maybe including me, blushed with shame at this sight。

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