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09-29 11:01:35 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 日记大全 | 人气:818

中学生寒假英语日记,栏目:日记大全200字,日记大全400字,伤感日记大全,四年级日记大全,中学生日记大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
This week was the last week of this summer holiday。 This summer holiday was really very quick。 We will begin our study again soon。 I felt a little sad because of the quick summer holiday。 Every year I will feel sad when the summer holiday comes to an end。 I think it was an instinctive reaction。 So I did many things this week to say goodbye to my summer holiday and welcome the new semester at the same time。 We are junior three students。 We have to learn and learn, until we have entered a good senior high school。 So, let’s welcome our new semester。 Don’t be very worried or frightened!




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