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12-14 15:44:45 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高一英语语法 | 人气:470

高一英语必修一3、4单元短语总结之词语比较,栏目:高一英语语法大全,高一英语学习方法大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

  1. wear, put on, have on, dress, be in, try on

  (1) wear v. 穿着;戴;蓄须(发);磨损;(脸容)呈现,显出 He is wearing an overcoat today.

  * wear out (把) 穿破;(把) 用坏;(使) 疲乏;(使) 耗尽I have worn out my shoes. / My patience wore (was worn) out.

  (2) put on 穿上;戴上(侧重穿着的动作)

  Put on your sweater, otherwise you will feel cold.

  (3) dress vt. 给……穿衣服 n. 衣服;连衣裙

  dress sb. (in sth.) 或 be dressed (in sth.) 注意:穿的衣服接在in之后。Mother dressed her baby and then they went downstairs.

  (4) have on 表示穿着的状态,注意不能用进行时。

  At the Spring Festival, all children have on new clothes.

  (5) be in表示穿着的状态 There was a girl in red.

  (6) try on 试穿 Mother was trying on a new dress.

  2. strike, hit, beat

  (1) hit vt.

  ① 打;敲;击;击中;射中 He hit a ball over the fence. / The stone hit him on the head.

  ② 使……受到打击 The bad news hit every one hard.

  (2) beat vt. & vi.

  ① 连续有节奏地打;敲

  The rain heat against the window.

  ② (心)跳动 His heart had stopped beating.

  ③ (鸟翼) 扑动

  The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on.

  ④ 打败;打赢;取胜

  Our champion can beat all runners in the country.

  (3) strike vt. & vi.

  ① 打;敲;击;砍;打中;击中

  He struck me with his fist.

  The house was struck by lightning.

  ② 发起进攻;袭击

  He moved away as the animal struck.

  ③ 撞;触(礁)

  His head struck the table as he fell.

  ④ 擦(火柴)

  I struck a match and held it to his cigarette.

  ⑤ (某种想法) 忽然出现;忽然想起,相当于occur to。

  A happy thought struck her.

  ⑥ 给人深刻印象(常用于被动语态)

  I was struck by her beauty.

  ⑦ 罢工 They are striking for higher pay.

  ⑧ (钟)敲(响) We waited for the clock to strike six.

  3. complete, finish

  complete 可作形容词,表示“彻底的;全面的”。


  (1) complete 作及物动词,只接 n. 或 pron.,常用于完成预定的任务,工程建设等The railway is not completed yet.

  (2) finish vi. / vt. 指完成,结束一件事情;可接 n. 或doing。如:finish one‘s homework / middle school / writing the book


关键字:高一英语语法,高一英语语法大全,高一英语学习方法大全   高一英语


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