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种花(Planting Flowers)

02-17 15:23:03 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 初中英语作文 | 人气:539

种花(Planting Flowers),栏目:初中英语作文大全,初中英语作文网,初中英语作文带翻译,初中英语作文题 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

  种花(Planting Flowers)

  spring is coming。 birds are singing and flowers are blooming。 i wanted to plant spring in my home, so i, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings。

  we prepared to plant them in the yard。 when we were back home, we went into action in no time。 some time later, we finished。 i will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now。




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