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12-14 15:44:45 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高一英语试题 | 人气:973

兰州交大东方中学高一英语期末试题,栏目:高一英语试题大全,高一英语学习方法大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

  A.Then who should we invite?

  B.You might have brought the presents in advance.

  C.And if we should fix food ourselves, it would cost less.

  D.We might have a small one.

  E.It would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.

  F.But I thought you were planning to go to the Turners’.

  G.We’ve got only three weeks to go.  



  66.In China, besides Han nationality, there are 55 _________(少数民族).

  67.In the old society people had a hard life beyond _________(想象).

  68.In England a _________(牧师)can marry couples in church.

  69.Nancy likes to make f_________ of people and herself.

  70.Jia Sixie‘s book is a practical g_________ to farming.

  71.Modern agriculture has great e_________ on people‘s life..

  72.The storm was fierce, but the captain __________(成功做成)to lead his crew to survive.

  73.Frightened by the sound of footsteps, the rabbits ran off in different __________(方向)

  74.The speaker suddenly changed his topic and left us all rather _________(困惑的)

  75. She _________(折叠)up the letter and put it in her pocket.  


  My father speaks very well English, but he knows76.___________

  little Japanese. He went to Tokyo November 1177.___________

  for a meeting. The meeting over a week later.78.___________

  The next morning he went to a park and then do79.___________

  some shopping. At noon, he was very much hungry.80.___________

  He went to a nearest restaurant and sat down at81.___________

  a table. A man camp up to him and asked that he82.___________

  needed. He said he liked noodles, chicken83.___________

  and some fishes. He spoke to the man in English84.___________

  and the man couldn’t understand him. My father had85.___________

  to write the Chinese words for the food and got it.







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关键字:高一英语试题,高一英语试题大全,高一英语学习方法大全   高一英语 兰州交大 东方中学



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